Sunday, December 04, 2005

Thoughts on Writing

When I write, I either type, print, and scribble, or I scrawl, type, edit, print and scribble. Once I print it out, it looks so pristine, so perfect.

"Look!" I feel like saying, "There it is in black and white!"

But then I notice the typo, or mispelled word, or perhaps some clumsy sentence. Edit, edit, edit. Proof read, edit, print, proof read. Convince family member to proof read for you- of course what I've missed six times is clearer to them.

I wonder how much writing habits affect writing content. My writing tends to be at first too rhetorically embellished. To many flourishes of words, high faluting phrases, and far fetched examples. Pared down, it seems so much better, simpler, clearer, saner. Of course, sometimes I don't pare down.

On poetry, sometimes I turn up the embellishment, going for the flourishes and all the elegance I can muster. But when I write persuasively, or write essays, I pare down.

Just the thoughts I had on writing today.


Blogger natalie said...

It seems to be opening fine this morning, but last night I couldn't get it to open either and I was pretty mystified. :-/ Then when I tried to open this page this morning, the first time it told me I wasn't authorized to view this page. When I refreshed it opened it though. I'm not sure if blogger is having problems or if something I did to the template (though I can't remember doing anything major recently) messed something up. Hopefully you'll be able to open the page now, but let me know if you can't- either here or email me (which I assume you have since I entered it to comment on your blog.)
Thanks for letting me know about the problem... :-)

10:35 AM  

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